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Victoria University George Alexander Foundation Leadership Scholarship 2021/22 and How to Apply

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Victoria University George Alexander Foundation Leadership Scholarship 2020/21 and How to Apply.

The management of Victoria University George Alexander Foundation Leadership wishes to notify the general public that applications are currently invited from young suitably qualified candidate for its undergraduate scholarship. The deadline for submission of applications for the Victoria University Scholarship is 1st February, 2020.

Victoria University George Alexander Foundation Leadership Scholarship

Victoria University George Alexander Foundation Leadership Scholarship

Each year, five George Alexander Foundation scholarships are offered to encourage study in an undergraduate course that potentially leads to a community-focused career.

The scholarship supports young people with academic ability, leadership potential and a commitment to their community to achieve their full academic and leadership potential.

Victoria University is an Australian public university based in Melbourne, Victoria. It is a dual-sector tertiary institution providing courses in both higher education and Technical and Further Education.

Scholarship Description.

  • Application Deadline: February 01, 2020
  • Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue an undergraduate degree.
  • Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.
  • Scholarship Award: Scholarship is valued at $7500 per year over three years (total $22,500).
  • Nationality: This scholarship is open to Australian citizens or those who have permanent residence status.
  • Number of Scholarships: Not given
  • Scholarship can be taken in Australia

Eligibility for the Scholarship.

Eligible Countries: This scholarship is open to Australian citizens or those who have permanent residence status.

Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Students commencing their first undergraduate degree program at Victoria University
  • Year 12 school leavers and students who are returning to study aged between 18 – 25 years old
  • Applicants who have been accepted into a full time undergraduate academic program and who will be commencing their studies in Semester 1 of 2020
  • Applicants who have attained a minimum ATAR score of 75
  • Applicants who complete the scholarship application in full and lodge it by the advertised closing date with the specified University office
  • Australian citizens or have permanent residence status.

How to Apply.

Please provide the following documentation in support of your application:

  • Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 pages)
  • Attach a typed personal statement (800-1000 words) addressing the following criteria:
    • Your academic standing
    • The measure of leadership and leadership potential demonstrated in your academic and personal life
    • The level and quality of community participation undertaken by you (including volunteering, work history, sporting and other community activities undertaken in/outside of school)
    • The reasons for selecting the particular program of study in which you are enrolled and your long-term goals as a result of this study
    • The degree to which the scholarship would enable you to best meet your educational and employment goals (what would it mean for you to receive a George Alexander Foundation scholarship?)
  • Attach two referee reports (written in the last 2 years) to support your application.Please remember to include the title/position of your referees. They must also be from different organisations.
    • Academic reference – from a person qualified to comment on your academic studies, preferably a subject coordinator from your secondary school and/or your school principal
    • Character reference – from a person competent to supply a character reference (for example, a person with whom you have undertaken volunteer work or community activities or a current or past employer) outlining your suitability for the scholarship. This statement cannot be written by someone related to you.
  • Complete a three-year plan as shown in  this three-year plan example

Apply for the George Alexander Foundation Leadership Scholarship using the online Scholarships Application Portal.

Online Application Scholarship Link

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