TTEC Job Hiring Process 2020 and Career Guide Requirements.
TTEC Job Hiring Process 2020… TTEC formerly known as TeleTech Holdings is a business outsourcing company. The company currently has 48,000 employees, operating in 19 countries. The company’s workforce worldwide is office-based; while it’s [email protected] i.e. work-at-home division hires call center agents in the U.S. and U.K. to offer services to customers.
TTEC Job Hiring Process
If you seek to work for this company, this article will guide you on the hiring process and the job requirements.
Work-at-Home Positions and Salary at TeleTech
TeleTech work-at-home call center agents are workers, not freelance contractors. These call center agents perform customer services, sales, and technical support. Agents bilingual in Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Catalan, and other different languages are employed. The pay is claimed to be $9.00-$10.00 per hour.
Agents must commit to working at least 20 hours a week, however, hours are sometimes 20-30 per week. Weekend and vacation work is also required. Paid online coaching is provided.
There also are positions for home-based quality assurance specialists. These agents monitor the calls of different agents to ensure that customers are satisfied and that agents are adhering to customer and company procedures.
[email protected] workers need to provide their computer, internet, and telephone service.
Requirements to Work with TeleTech
Workers are required to provide their hardware, just like any other call center company. An agent needs a computer (not Mac) with a DSL or internet cable connection, and a USB/VOIP headset. However, most of the time a phone line is not needed, as customers are available through the internet, however, an ardent cell or landline phone is required for contact with the company.
The minimum requirements for a job at TeleTech are that you must be up to 17 years old and must possess a high school diploma or a GED. However, several positions would require more than the minimum, like expertise in customer service or a call enter or a second language.
TeleTech Hiring Process
Visit the [email protected] career page at to apply. Run a system check to see if your computer meets the requirements. Fill out the online application on the career page and take a skill assessment. You should receive an email within two days stating whether or not your application has been received for formal assessment.
Then you will be invited for an interview. If you are successful at the interview, you will be required to perform another computer test. Criminal Background and drug testing are required by [email protected] pay for the value of it.
Although [email protected] hires agents from everywhere, depending on the customer and position, [email protected] agents must be resident in the U.K. or some U.S. states.
United Kingdom
- England
- Northern Ireland
- Scotland
- Wales
- Ireland
United States
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
NG Team.