Dear Stellanaija school,
Typing with tears rolling down my eyes…concerning the way educational sector is ongoing in Nigeria. I just cant understand why admission process this year is very difficult.
I passed my UTME and POST UTME but can’t just understand why uniben has decided to deny me admission. I can’t just bear the pains seeing those that scored same score with me being admitted. What will I call this?
I just can’t understand. There are so many students out there with same story with me, they are very hurt, crying everyday.
It has gotten to the level whereby if you don’t do shady runs, you can’t be admitted into any institution, which ought not to be so.
Students, whose parents are not financially balanced, what do you expect them to do? How can institutions produce first class graduates now when getting admission is runz, no privilege for the intelligent ones to be in school.
Because now that admission process is like this, it is now difficult for students to be serious in their academics when they know without studying hard they will definitely block their way through which is not good.
Please all institutions, change from this Act! Do you know how many students get traumatized because of this Act each year?
Please stop this Act! When students pass your post UTME, give them admission.
Uniben please reconsider those of us that score from 50 upwards. it’s not easy passing both UTME and Post UTME. Please you guys should upload another list.
Speaking from the affected students minds…. Something has to be done.
We will highly appreciate it if you help us publish it, because we are not rich enough to sue them….
Yours truly,
Affected student
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