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Full List of Paramilitary Forces in Denmark

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Full List of Paramilitary Forces in Denmark.

There are several paramilitary forces in Denmark even though they are not all centralized. While searching the internet looking for the list of paramilitary forces in Denmark, you would always notice that they are relatively rare to come by and when you do find the list, there’s little information explaining what each of the paramilitary forces do.

List of Paramilitary Forces in Denmark

Full List of Paramilitary Forces in Denmark

Thankfully, we sourced each of them all for you in this article.

Tasks of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service.

The Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS) has 3 main dutie which are: the DDIS is Denmark’s foreign and military intelligence service, Denmark’s national information and communications technology (ICT) security authority, and the managing authority for military security. The DDIS is under the control and jurisdiction of the Danish Ministry of Defence.

  • Intelligence Tasks

The DDIS collates, sorts and shares information about issues abroad affecting Denmark’s security and Danish interests. Through its intelligence duties, the DDIS offers timely intelligence products, assessments and advice to guide decisions on Denmark’s foreign-, security, and defence policy and with the goal of stopping and giving counter-offense for  Denmark’s national security and Danish interests. Because of this, the service utilises its special abilities to conduct for instance physical intelligence (HUMINT) and electronic intelligence (SIGINT) collection abroad.

  • Centre for Cyber Security

Founded in 2012, the Centre for Cyber Security (CFCS) is a part of the DDIS. The CFCS is country’s national information and communications technology (ICT) security authority. The aim of the centre is to add to the protection of Denmark against cyber threats. The primary tasks of the CFCS are to detect, inform of and counter cyber attacks against Denmark’s national security and Danish interests. Also, as the Danish ICT controller, the CFCS issues security clearances and oversees the abidance to these rules within the ICT field.

  • Military Security Department

The Military Security Department is accountable for safeguarding the Danish Armed Forces  from espionage, sabotage, terrorism and other methods of criminal activities. The DDIS is in-charge of military security and  operates as national security authority on for the institutions falling under the Ministry of Defence.

Supervision of the DDIS.

The Ministry of Defence gives policy guidelines for and overseas the activities of the DDIS.

The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board is an autonomous  body which watches that the DDIS activities are in line with the provisions of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service Act on the management of personal data regarding Danish citizens and physical and legal people living in Denmark.

Added to that, the Danish Parliament, Folketinget, has formed a special Intelligence Services Committee to oversee the activities of the Danish intelligence services, including the DDIS. The committee embodies representatives of the 5 largest political parties in Folketinget.

Under the Ministry of Defense You Have the Following Agencies


  • Tasks of the Danish Home Guard 


The Danish Home Guard (DHG) is a voluntary military organization, consisting of volunteers recruited from all spheres of life.

The home guard participates as a sector of the military defence in the conclusion of tasks for which the army, the air force, and the navy are tasked. This means that the home guard is a part of the solution of problems, be they land, water, or air-based.

The home guard plays an active and important part in the joint preparedness of society (total defence). Added to this, the infrastructure home guard contributes in connection with protection of  important installations, such as railroads, electric systems, telephone networks, e.t.c.

One of the great benefits of the home guard is the community presence of the volunteers across the country. They are able to organize units with short notice in connection with extraordinary occurrences, accidents, and major disasters, among other things. 

Organisation of the home guard


  • Home Guard Command


The Army Home Guard (Hærhjemmeværnet) is by number the largest part of the Home Guard, and works hand-in-hand with the regular army, police and the civil disaster management authorities.


  • Army home guard


  • Air force home guard



The Air Force Home Guard (Flyverhjemmeværnet),  assists the Danish air force, the police and other national authorities in their emergency management by safeguarding airports, performing aerial environmental patrols of Denmark’s waters.

  • The Air Force Home Guard is led by a full-service air force colonel. The commander is aided by a few staff of full-service personnel.
  • Municipalities with airfields or in the vicinity of airports have “air force home guard squadrons” – (100–150 riflemen), led by volunteer captains.


  • Naval home guard


The Naval Home Guard (Marinehjemmeværnet) focuses on safeguarding naval installations, patrolling of the Denmark’s territorial waters, and carries out Search and Rescue missions. It aides scientific research for universities in Denmark, it gives vessels for police and customs operations ashore, and aides exercise and training of other military units (navy, special operations forces etc.).


  • Police Home Guard


The Police Home Guard (Politihjemmeværnet) is a section of the Army Home Guard and includes 47 Police Home Guard companies, led by volunteer captains, often with a professional police career. The volunteers are, during operational service; given the authority to stand in lieu of the police with a restricted legal authority. Their duties are, among others, controlling  traffic at festivals, rescuing victims, and protecting community installations. In times of peace they are never utilized where there are likelihoods of direct confrontation with civilians (riot control or planned arrests).


  • Infrastructure home guard


The Infrastructure Home Guard (Virksomhedshjemmeværnet) is a sector  in the Army Home Guard and makes certain that civilian companies and authorities keep operating in times of unrest or disturbances. The Infrastructure Home Guard is broken into 5branches:

  • Transportation
  • Communications
  • Power Supply
  • Water
  • Health


  • Tasks of the Danish Defence 


The Danish Defence Command (DCD) is a military agency in under the Ministry of Defence. The Defence Command is the superseding, coordinating, and controlling authority for the defence. 

The duties of the Danish Armed Forces can be subdivided into national and international duties.

The national tasks include– besides observing of the national territory and enforcement of sovereignty – a range of more civilian-oriented duties in support of Denmark’s society, such as search and rescue operations, environmental duties as well as providing help or aid to several  other public authorities, like the police, the emergency rescue services and the tax authorities.

The international tasks are mostly classified to the ones below:

  • Armed conflict
  • Stabilization tasks
  • International policing

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