Federal College of Education, Zaria NCE 1st batch and 2nd batch admission list for the 2021/2022 academic session is out.
The Federal College of Education (FCE) Zaria first batch and second batch admission list for the 2021/2022 academic session containing the names of candidates admitted into the college various NCE programmes are out.
FCE, Zaria 1st batch admission list has been successfully uploaded online, and it is accessible for the university admission status checking portal @ http://www.fcezariaonline.net/admission/search.html.
Go to http://www.fcezariaonline.net/admission/2ndlist.html for the second list.
When you get to the admission status checking portal, search for your name on the list.
I have not see my name yet
that is good
Very good, you are hard workers.
Good news but what are the procedure if someone want to apply for degree programme?
I have not seen my own am worried
I have not see my name yet
I have not see my own
I did the procedure of checking the list bt that it has not been ensure
I have no see my name out
are waiting result
I have no see my own
I have not see my own
I have not to see my name out
I have not to see my name out
I have not to see my name out
I have not to see my name out
I have not see my name
I have not see my own
I haven’t see my name
I have not see my name
I want to knonw if my name is on list of pay time at fce zaria
please I haven’t seen my name yet oo did any body see his own
don’t see my own how can I y
I apply them in first and second choice,but i did not see my own.
I apply them first choice but still up to now i have not yet seen my own
Is admission list for 2019/2020 out?
2019/2020 list
Wen will d second list be out?
when will the second admi list out
Please when will the second list be out
when are we expectin the second admission list
up to now I have not see my admission
Plasse God i nit second Adimision list
I have not see my own
I did not see my own
I have not seen My name
I have not seen my name!
I did not see my name
I did not see my name
good for you
If God say yes no one can say no
I have don’t see my name and I didn’t hear any news about the admission ✉️ letter
is Fce first list out
I chose zaria first choice
Buy up to now I have never get it
i can so admission first list
by the greest of God
Probably my name has appeared for the second list and I have seen it…but I went to the jamb portal to recheck it and accept it as well but they are now telling me that I’m not yet admitted
Probably my name has appeared for the second list and I have seen it…but I went to the jamb portal to recheck it and accept it as well but they are now telling me that I’m not yet admitted
I don’t see my on admission
I haven’t see my admission
I choice fce Zaria nd go for screening I have not seen my name plz help
i have not see my own
F c e zaria please what about our names? 2nd and 3rd is released but I don’t see my name totally please help me
I have not seen my name on the first list.
when will second of admission be out for 2020/2021
I never see my on yet
I am still yet to have adm
Congratulation to the admitted students,but we’re hopeful for:2nd,3rd,4th and supplementary admission list for 2020-2021.BY GOD GRACE IN JESUS NAME!
I didn’t see it yet
Checking result first semester examination for department of adult and non formal education ez19addm055
I have not see my name
I when to see my name
Am worried mine is not yet online
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