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EssayPRO Writing Contest Scholarship 2021/2022 and How to Apply

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EssayPRO Writing Contest Scholarship 2021/2022 and How to Apply

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In this article i will show you some relevant tips on the benefits, requirements, eligibility, deadlines and how to apply online for EssayPRO Writing Contest Scholarship 2021/2022.

EssayPRO Writing Contest Scholarship 2020

EssayPRO Writing Contest Scholarship 2020

EssayPro would like to invite all of soon-to-be Shakespeares to take part in their quarterly contest! If you feel like your work is worth more than just good grades, then hop on in! Essay Pro foundation is excited to announce the Essay Writing Contest to assist make students lives better across the globe and it is simply helping with academic assignments. In order to apply, the candidates  will submit an essay 600-800 words and as well as it essay be to write in English

The aim of this scholarships is to encourage and support academically able and talented students.

Award Amount: $1000

Number of Awards: 3

Deadline:20 August, 2020

Winner Announcement:  Not known

Brief Description:

EssayPro would like to invite all of soon-to-be Shakespeares to take part in their quarterly contest! If you feel like your work is worth more than just good grades, then hop on in! Essay Pro foundation is excited to announce the Essay Writing Contest to assist make students lives better across the globe and it is simply helping with academic assignments. In order to apply, the candidates  will submit an essay 600-800 words and as well as it essay be to write in English

Required Languages


Eligible Countries


Program Period

 The winners’ names (or nicknames) will be revealed on the 25th of August.

Eligibility Requirements (Criteria)

  • Basic scholarship essay format. Works should be 600-800 words. Some minor deviations are possible, but not desirable.
  • Plagiarism is not allowed. WE WILL CHECK if there is any.
  • Essays should only be written in English. We are aware that you may know a lot of beautiful languages and support that, but rules are rules.
  • Send your work in a Microsoft Word document.
  • You can include images in your work, mainly if they illustrate the topic or your ideas. This will only grow our attention!
  • Include your contact information in the document (Email is preferred). Otherwise, we might not be able to contact you and give instructions on prize collection.
  • Choose one of the following topics:
    1. Is Technology Our Friend?
    2. What is the American Dream?
    3. This is What I Believe In:
    4. An essay on the principle of population
    5. Abortion: Choice or Murder?
    6. What is Respect?
    7. Do Humans Understand Each Other?
    8. Nature vs. Nurture
    9. Should a Person Give Up on Career for the Sake of Family?
    10. Life Goals vs. Family Values
    11. The Double-Edged Sword that is Gun Control.

Scholarship Award

Essay Pro foundation will provide an award to each student in which first place award up to $500, with 2nd and 3rd place winning $250.

  • Recognition from some of the best essay writers in the USA!
  • We’ll put their essays on our website and share through every social media channel we have (If author’s permission is granted);
  • Winners will receive an offer to join the team of professionals at our essay writing service.

How to Apply for EssayPRO Writing Contest Scholarship

First Step: You have to know how to write a scholarship essay form here.

Second Step: Send your work to [email protected] before the mentioned deadline. No entrance fee is required.


  • Our editors and five of EssayPro.com’s best writers will carefully review and choose the best scholarship essays. To make things fair, names of the contestants will not be revealed to the judges.
  • Regardless of the amount, all the works sent before the deadline will be considered. So do not worry, we will read everyone’s essays.


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NG Team.

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