EKSU Sandwich Admission Form is Out – 2021/2022
Ekiti State University, EKSU sandwich programmes (4,5,& 6 YEAR DEGREE, PGDE AND M.ED
DEGREE PROGRAMMES) admission form for the 2021/2022 contact session.
Application forms are now available for suitably qualified candidates for admission into the following Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in the Sandwich Programme of Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti for the 2020 Contact Session:
EKSU Sandwich Admission – Available Programmes.
- A (Education) Degree in English, Yoruba, Religious Studies, French, Arabic and Islamic Studies.
- Ed Degree in Social Studies, Guidance and Counselling, Adult Education and Nursery and Primary Education.
- Sc (Education) Degree in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Health Education, Educational Management, Business Studies (Education), Computer Science, Human Kinetics (PHE), Agricultural Science, Technical Education, Integrated Science and Accounting
EKSU Sandwich Admission – Entry Requirements.
A. 4-Year Programme in any of A to C
- Passes at credit/merit level in two subjects at the NCE and credit passes in (five) 5 subjects at GCE O/Level including English Language or its equivalent at not more than two sittings. A pass at the NCE General English is acceptable in lieu of a credit pass at the SSCE/GCE O/Level.
- Three (3) passes at GCE Advanced Level plus credit passes in five (5) other subjects at GCE O/Level or SSCE
- National Diploma with credit/merit passes in relevant subjects plus credit passes in five (5) GCE O/Level subjects at not more than two sittings.
- Passes at credit level in five (5) subjects including English Language and Mathematics at the GCE O/Level with any of the following is acceptable for Computer Science Education: i. Diploma in Data Processing from recognized Universities,
- ND (Computer Science).
- Nursing and Midwifery Certificate together with five (5) O/Level credit passes including English Language for B.Sc in Physical Health Education.
- Nursing and Midwifery Certificate plus Post-Nursing Diploma with Credit passes in five (5) O/Level subjects including English Language and Mathematics at not more than two sittings is acceptable for B.Sc (Ed) Health Education.
B. 5-Year Programme in any of A to C except Educational Management
- Passes in two major subjects in the NCE plus credit passes in Five (5) subjects at GCE O/L or its equivalent. A pass at the NCE General English is acceptable in lieu of a credit pass at the SSCE/GCE O/Level English.
- Passes at credit/merit level in two major subjects of the Associate Diploma in Education with GCE O/Level credit passes or its equivalent in five (5) subjects at not more than two sittings.
- Credit/merit passes at the NCE level in two (2) major subjects with credit passes in five (5) subject at GCE O/Level or its equivalent.
- Passes at credit level in two (2) subjects in the NCE with credit in five (5) subjects at GCE O/Level irrespective of whether a subject is repeated at both ordinary and NCE level,
- Nursing and Midwifery Certificate together with O/Level credit passes in five (5) other subjects is acceptable for the B.Sc (Ed) in Physical and Health Education.
- The NABTEB credit/merit passes in five (5) subjects together with the Advanced Level NABTEB Certificate in any two (2) subjectsisacceptablefortheB.Sc (Ed)Technical Education.
C. 6 Years Programme in any of A to C
- Passes at credit/merit level in five (5) subjects including English Language in WASC/GCE O/Level at not more than two sittings.
- A credit pass in Mathematics is compulsory for all B.Sc (Ed) Science courses.
- Five credit/merit passes in five subjects including English Language and Mathematics in NABTEB is acceptable for the B.Sc (Ed) Technical Education.
- Candidates with Third Class at the first degree in the Arts, Sciences or Social Sciences from an approved University are eligible for admission.
- HND with credit/merit passes in relevant teaching subjects.
Available Courses
The following courses are available at the Masters’ Degree Level: Philosophy of Education, Guidance and Counselling, Language Education, Science Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology, Educational Management, Social Studies Education, Test and Measurement, Mathematics Education, Exercise Physiology, Organization and Administration of Sports, Health Education, Sociology of Education, Human Kinetics and Sports.
Admission Requirement
The following constitute the minimum entry requirements in the Postgraduate Programmes:
All applicants seeking Admission into any of the Master’s Degree and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes must have Five Credit Passes at ‘O’ Level in relevant subjects including English Language and Mathematics at not more than two sittings. A pass at the NCE General English is acceptable in lieu of a Credit pass at SSCE/GCE’O’Level
EKSU Sandwich Admission – Application Method.
Application fee for M.Ed or PGDE: N16,000.00 (Sixteen Thousand Naira only) including E-Tranzact Commission.
Application fee for Undergraduate: N6,000.00 (Six Thousand Naira only) including E-Transact Commission.
Interested Applicants are to pay the application fee into any of the following Banks:
- Heritage Bank PLC, EKSU
- GT. Bank, EKSU
ii Duly completed application forms, accompanied with a photocopy of evidence (i.e teller/e-transact receipt) of payment and photocopy of credentials must be returned to the University Sandwich Office not later than 1st April, 2020.
Are U Still Using Coed Oro For Ur Programme
Ajala IO Do you accept D7in mathematics for Guidiance & counseling even though the o level is six credit in cluding English language
pls I have D7 in maths ad I want to do test ad measurement at master level ad have register for neco pls can I been given admission till I get my result
how much is d school fees
How are we going to get the form if we come to esku
Will the form be obtained at Eksu or online
pls will this form be obtain online??
Am not sure this is correct, cuz i cant see anything on the university page
Can I do a sandwich program in Agricultural science Education with a d-7 in maths?
Hello o,pls is the registration still ongoing? thank you.
Is the registration still going on
Is d form still out for sale now
Please is the form still out for sales?
Pls is the sandwich form still available nd how much is it
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