Croatian Army Recruitment 2021/2022 and Application Guide.
Croatian Army Recruitment 2020… This Regulation establishes the interior organization of the Ministry of Defence, the names of body organizations among the Ministry and different structure units, their scope and mode of management, and descriptions the amount of civil servants, staff and active military personnel of the Ministry, based on the matters not regulated by different special rules.
Croatian Army Recruitment
Internal organization, management, including the needed population of civil servants, staff and active military personnel is decided during a process that the Ministry could perform administrative duties and different tasks given to the ministry by law within the jurisdiction and mandate.
Organizational Structure and Standing
The Croatian Army can be described as an all-volunteer force of 7514 active duty personnel and 193 civil servants and staff as of August 2016. It can even invoke about six thousand reserve personnel that serve for approximately thirty days per annum.
Croatian Army is being organized to suit within the NATO philosophy of small-size, extremely capable force with a stress on quality and flexibility.
Major combatant commands of the Croatian Army have been an armored and one mechanized brigade, every brigade having a selected role and completely different responsibilities. In 2012, one motorized infantry company is to be detached and to be commanded by the EU Battle Group by Germany. Republic of Croatia continues to deploy 350 personnel in support of NATO International Security Assistance Force in the restive Afghanistan.
Involvement in Peacekeeping Missions
- Croatian diplomats are concerned within the frame of the civilian consultative to global organization ISAF operation in Asian nation. Initial Croatian diplomat was sent in 2005 as head of the Croatian team at the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) supported the “Joint Statement on civil cooperation within the German provincial reconstruction team in Feyzabad, Badakhshan Province within the northeast of Afghanistan” signed between the Croatian Government and also the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Croatian team’s main tasks were the analysis of political dynamics within the province of Badakhshan, observation the preparation and implementation of the parliamentary and provincial elections, help in establishing and up the functioning of native governance, protection of human rights, coordination of cooperation with UN representatives and non-governmental organizations and also the identification, process and coordinative the event and reconstruction comes (with the U.S. and Germany donor funds).
- In addition to civilian duties, diplomats conjointly performed duties of political advisers of high civilian representative of global organization to the Afghan country with the aim of increasing the PRT network, chase regional dynamics, and coordination within the reconstruction and development. It absolutely was the primary case that the person not from the global organization member states was allotted on the duty of a political adviser to global organization.
- In addition, diplomats were accountable for the fight against narcotics, civilian aviation, and coordination of activities with the Afghan ministries and political segments of the ISAF. These activities have resulted during a longer or shorter stays in additional than twenty Afghan provinces all told components of the country.
- Also, throughout and once the mandate, diplomats were concerned as lecturers and trainers within the global organization Joint Warfare Center in Stavanger, the global organization faculty in Oberammergau and also the global organization courses in Tadzhikistan.
Role and Deployment
The fundamental role and purpose of the Republic of Croatian Army is to guard very important national interests of the Republic of Republic of Croatia and defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.
The Croatian Army’s primary duties are to:
Defend against potential aggression at strategic operational levels and to defend against any land, air, or amphibious operation, in co-operation with the opposite branches of the CAF.
- Help allies and friendly countries in time of want.
- Build the potential to hold out non-traditional tasks like humanitarian support throughout floods, fires, and different natural disasters.
Requirements to Join the Croatian Army
1. Croatian Citizenship
Acquisition of Croatian Citizenship
Croatian citizenship may be acquired:
- By the origin of the person;
- By birth within the Croatian territory;
- Naturalization;
- In keeping with international treaties.
Request for Croatian citizenship may be created at the department of local government or the police office and may even be submitted via diplomatic missions, i.e. diplomatic building offices of the Republic of Republic of Croatia abroad. The procedure on getting Republic of Croatian citizenship is formed by the Ministry of Interior and also the call on the acquisition of Croatian citizenship is formed by the Croatian Ministry of Interior
On the websites of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs ( and also the Ministry of Interior (, directions and forms are on the available with regard to the procedure on the acquisition of Croatian citizenship.
- You to have at least completed high school
- Candidates must be at least 5.7 feet tall.
Addresses and Contacts
Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia
Trg kralja Petra Krešimira IV br. 1
10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 (1) 456 7111
Independent Public Relations and Publishing Department
Trg Kralja Petra Krešimira IV one
10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 (1) 4568 008
Fax: +385 (1) 4568 109
- Does Republic of Croatia have a military?
The total variety of active military personnel within the Croatian militia stands at 14506 and 6000 reserves operating in varied service branches of the militia. Male nationals are currently not subject to obligatory military service since January 1st, 2008.
- Is Republic of Croatia NATO?
The accession of Republic of Croatia to NATO transpired in 2009. Republic of Croatia entered into NATO’s Partnership for Peace in 2000, that started the process of accession into the alliance. The country received a request to affix at the 2008 national capital summit and have become a full member on 1st of April, 2009.
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