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Alvan Ikoku College School Fees Payment Guidelines

Last modified about 3 years ago by . Posted in College |

Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, AIFCE school fees payment guidelines for fresh and stale students.


This is to inform all the students of the Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education (AIFCE), Owerri that the management of the institution has released a new procedure for the payment of school fees.

1. Students will be sent a text message which will contain their new school fees payment code before they go to designated banks to pay their fees. Please note that students must present their codes at the bank and ensure that it is acknowledged by the cashier at the bank while paying their fees.

2. After paying school fees at the banks, students will be issued a print-out by the banks (Etranzact Print-out).

3. Students should then proceed to the College Portal (www.alvanportal.edu.ng/eduportal) where they are to login and verify their school fees using the Etranzact Confirmation ID Number.

For new students and returning students alike, registration on the College portal is mandatory.

It is also very important to ensure your personal and contact details are always accurate and up to date. You can do this by logging into the portal (www.alvanportal.edu.ng/eduportal) using your username and password.
If you are unsure about your username and password, please go to the ICT unit or GTCO Calscan office for confirmation.

It is important that students pay and verify their school fees in good time as this process is a pre-requisite for hostel accommodation applications.

If you have any questions, please contact the College ICT Centre or the GTCO Calscan Office.

NG Team.


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